Knowledge Base

NewsTurbo Service Pack 1 Notes

Published on: Tuesday 17 May 2016 14:15

Service Pack 1 for NewsTurbo is a free update available for all NewsTurbo users and will update your current installation to the version as listed below:

  • NewsTurbo Basic
    New version:

  • NewsTurbo Standard
    New version:

  • NewsTurbo Pro
    New version:

  • NewsTurbo Server

Service Pack 1 isn't available for NewsTurbo Free and won't be released in the future for NewsTurbo Free.

Upgrading an existing NewsTurbo installation:
Service Pack 1 for NewsTurbo has thousands of improvements and changes so a database upgrade of your current NewsTurbo database is required. After upgrading your existing NewsTurbo installation, database upgrade wizard will run automatically in order to upgrade your database. This process may take several hours depending on your database size. If you just have little data in your database, it will just take few minutes to complete. It is important that you don't cancel the database upgrade process. You will have to start the database upgrade process again if you cancel it thus, any progress that has already made will be lost.

It is recommended to make a backup of your database before updating your current NewsTurbo installation. Please note that you won't be able to use your upgraded SP 1 database with an older version of NewsTurbo. If you use a shared database with multiple NewsTurbo clients, you will need to update all NewsTurbo clients.

Changes in Service Pack 1:
Service Pack 1 for NewsTurbo has thousands of changes so we can't list them all. Version history section of our website will give you a non-concluding overview of some important changes.

Removed features in Service Pack 1:
In NewsTurbo Standard as well as in NewsTurbo Pro, Service Pack 1 removed the ability to send newsletters using the "Direct Send" method because basically it was a logic error therefore, a SMTP account is required in order to send your newsletters with NewsTurbo Standard as well as NewsTurbo Pro. NewsTurbo Server is not affected from this change because this is the only NewsTurbo edition where you can logically use the "Direct Send" method.

Using the "Direct Send" method requires a complete and full working email server on the system. NewsTurbo Standard as well as NewsTurbo Pro doesn't fulfil these requirements so we have removed this feature in those NewsTurbo editions.

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